Sunday, June 7, 2009

Last year/This Year

Last year...beautiful mild days and moderate temperatures, flowers, people, art, music and fun. This year...hmmmm..rainy, cold, few people, a barren landscape with multiple casualties of the septic and water variety. I'm trying not to judge the challenges of this year..just holding the thought that "This too shall pass" and it will be better than ever, before long. Polar opposites aren't bad..just different, and there are always gifts in every challenge, even when we can't see them right away. After the underground repairs are made there will be a blank canvas to work with, and I've always wanted to learn more about plants and gift added to my list. Business is very slow right now, so I am grateful for the time to clean up long neglected parts of the property and storage areas. Gift two. I am finding treasures everywhere I look! I found bags of shells and stones and driftwood pieces, and a snake or two as I raked and cleaned. I like snakes, driftwood, stones and shells, so those were gifts three, four five and six. One of the snakes I uncovered was hiding in a box filled with plastic peanuts, and was very unhappy about the disturbance. I'm glad we don't have anything poisonous on Beaver Island! He/she didn't bite me, but not for lack of trying! Gift six! ;-) I found the board my grandson painted green when he was four..(his only visit to the island)..he's twenty now! Gift seven. So I'm wrapping myself in my gratitude blanket today. It's Sunday, and I have never been able to take a Sunday off since I have been in business on the island..even though almost everyone else is closed on Sunday. Today, I'm taking the day off to work on art projects, read, and talk to you. I'm taking the day off on behalf of all the women who need a day off. In honor of all single, self-employed women who are afraid to take the day off, even if it would be great to re-charge their batteries. For those of us who have only our own two hands to do the majority of the work. ( I am occasionally blessed with help, and it is the best gift I could ever ask for! Thank you Jan and Lennie, Sue, Beth, Lois, Jan, Maureen, Claudia, Tom and Denise, Carol, Betty, Cheryl and Martin, Mary, John B., John W., Jim W. and crew, my grandson Jon, my mom and brothers..thanks to the spirit lifters,there are too many to mention, but not forgotten.. the encourager's and the get down and dirty helpers..I'm so grateful to you all ). Happy Sunday everyone! Thanks for visiting...I hope you have the day off! xo sue

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