Friday, May 8, 2009


Originally uploaded by livingstonestudio
I rarely start a painting with an idea in mind..they just evolve, and I feel like the observer. This little piece came very slowly, and I kept wondering where I had seen the woman (shaman/nature spirit)...she looked familiar, but she also "felt" familiar..her blissful gaze registered in my memory banks. I put the painting aside until one day I saw a comment on one of my photos on flickr, and saw a photo icon of the beautiful woman who unconsciously inspired the painting. Thank you for being my muse Mariah Hawk..thank you Mark, for capturing that peaceful, blissful gaze from the woman you love. I just love the magical connections I've found on flickr!


  1. I like birds. I like faces. Your colors, your combining images and patterns stirs my own imagination. Muses come in many forms. This is one of them.

  2. Thanks for taking time to visit and comment Ralph...wishing you more peace and less angst, or whatever you choose at the moment..;-)May the muse be with you!


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