Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Originally uploaded by livingstonestudio

She has a "far away" look in her eyes, as though she is glimpsing another reality or lost in a day dream. I loved working on this piece and it evolved in it's own time, disclosing each detail, color and material when it was ready. Yesterday it was sitting on a table, and this fantastic light was shining around it, so I grabbed a piece of poster board, curved it behind the piece and shot the first photo, leaving the shadow in. She feels like a queen to me..part human, part bird... small in stature, but not in spirit, even if she did start with an empty glass jar! Thanks for looking..xo sue


  1. She's so magical Sue, very Egyptian in some ways, but softer, more alive.
    You're right, the light WAS "fantastic"; great shot.

  2. Thanks M., she's a strange little creature, but I really enjoyed working on her. Can't part with her yet, so she's not going on the website. Good to hear from you! xo


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