There was a sun on the horizon this morning, and although it's hiding behind clouds at the moment, I have high hopes of seeing it again today. A blanket of fresh snow creates a clean palette, and we begin again. A new day..full of possibilities. I spent the first hour of my day focusing on friends who have health issues, grief or fear..sending them strength, healing, peace. I count my blessings, pet the cat, make the coffee, read my e mail. Jennifer Louden (Comfort Queen) had a nice exercise for riding the current rollercoaster we find ourselves on. I commented: I love the visual of sharing the ride with those we love, because even if we are feeling grateful and balanced (at the moment!), the people we love may be ill or grieving or full of fear. The compassion we have for our friends and family can throw us off center too, but we're on the ride together, and we know how to make each other laugh, and comfort each other around the sudden turns and drops. Just love that... You can read it here http://www.comfortqueen.com/ . When the sun is hiding out on these winter days, I carry it with me inside and it shows up in almost every painting. My intention behind all of my work is to bring a smile or a little sunshine (or moonlight) to those who see them or own them. Thanks for sharing the ride with me, we're all in this together....shine on!
What a beautiful, optimistic painting and message. "Sharing the ride" sounds like a good title for your next painting!