Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Serenity Stones..or, What Happens When You Don't Fight The Flow!

serenity stone peace
Originally uploaded by livingstonestudio

Do you fight your own flow of energy? I have just had an epiphany about this! Winter is difficult for lots of us who need lots of light to feel our best...that, and the fact that I lead the unpredictable life of a full time artist during the winter months...can lead to some anxiety and sleepless nights. I was engaged in combat with this until I tried something different...flow with it, let it be, call in the angels and get to work! I have found that when I get up...even if it's 4am, I work happily in the studio for p.j.'s, with uncombed the early morning silence. This is the time where ideas flow and I feel the most connected to spirit. I get to see the sunrise now, (as well as the early sunset), and I'm grateful for that..and the "wake up!" call.
Thanks for taking time to stop by...may the flow be with you...xo sue


  1. Love your message today and so true. I need to recruit you to come speak to our AW class. I will be in touch soon.

  2. Thanks so much Kathryn! Sorry for the delay in reply..I'm working, working, working right now. It will be time to return to the island before we know it! ;-)

  3. So love the top serenity stone . . . can't even really express why, but it spoke to me. So happy that it now sits on my desk where he/she reminds me of serenity every day (even when the stone is the only serene thing in the nearby vicinity). Thank you!


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